Your Brain On Climate

Psychogeography, with Philippa Holloway

Dave Powell Episode 8

We are the places we live, and the places we live are us. Places made by oil, coal, and gas, by roads, and by industry.  Where the choices we make about what to feel and where to go are  shaped by the very things that are at the heart of the climate crisis. Eek.

Psychogeography's about turning left when you're supposed to go right. Going into nuclear exclusion zones when you're not supposed to. Wandering off the beaten track,  seeing what happens and who you meet. And  stopping to think for a bit to notice where you are, and what's around you  - and what isn't.

It's a bit of a brain-melter. So joining Dave this week is Dr Philippa Holloway - academic, author, novelist and professional psychogeographer, to talk him (very patiently) through it all. You'll find Philippa on Twitter @thejackdawspen.

Extra reading as highlighted by the owl noises:
-- 22:33: An introduction to Sartre & anti-praxis. Not for the faint of heart.
-- 23.58: How colour-changing cats (really) might warn the future about nuclear waste.
-- 28:09. The Situationists. All very French.
-- 36.54. Philippa's thesis. I wasn't making it up, I've actually read the whole thing. It's ace.

Philippa's novel, The Half Life of Snails, is out on 2 May.

Your Brain on Climate is a podcast about human psychology vs the climate crisis: what we think, why we think it, and how it all adds up to a planet-sized emergency.  Contact the show:  @brainclimate on Twitter, or

The show is hosted by Dave Powell, who you can find @powellds on Twitter.  All music throughout the show and audio production is by Dave, because he's far too much of a control freak to let anyone else loose on it.

Show logo by Arthur Stovell at